Pittsford Historical Society

Pittsford Historical Society Inc. News - January 2011

Eaton HallMuseum Hours:
Tues: 9 am–4 pm; Apr. 6 – Nov. 16;
Located in Eaton Hall, 3399 US Route 7.
Address mail to:
PO Box 423, Pittsford, VT   05763
(802) 483-2040

Curator: Anne Pelkey 483-6178
Membership: Doris Hoare 483-6470
Newsletter Editor: Peggy Armitage 483-2108. peggy.armitage@gmail.com

2011 officers and trustees elected at the 2010 annual meeting are:

President:  Ernie Clerihew
Vice President:  Melanie Clerihew
Recording Secretary:  Rebecca Davenport
Corresponding Secretary:  Jane Welch
Treasurer:  Barbara Poljacik
Trustees:  Peggy Armitage, Ernie Brod, Doris Hoare,
               Immediate Past President Bob Welch.

Plans for 2011 activities will be set at the Board’s first meeting this year.

Melanie Clerihew intends to continue Junior History Club activities for Lothrop School 3rd and 4th graders, meeting at the Museum on Fridays after school or Saturdays through the remaining school year. Melanie urges interested third and 4th grade parents to call her at 483-6871 for details.

Treasurer Barbara Poljacik reports that, thanks to $4,052 approved by Pittsford voters, we balanced the 2010 budget, which included repaving the parking lot.

Sales of ”Pittsford’s Second Century 1872-1997” and our photo book, “Around Pittsford,” helped replenish the publications fund.

We welcomed 12 new members in 2010 to make the total 174 including 27 life members, according to membership chair Doris Hoare. We invite anyone interested in Pittsford's history to become a member.

Curator Anne Pelkey calls Daniel Putnam Peabody II’s recent gift of his history and genealogy of the Peabody family, copiously illustrated with vintage photos, one of the most comprehensive in our collections. If you would like to compile your family's history, Anne can show you samples in the Museum, from basic information beginning with your generation and going back as far as you can.

Museum accessions from 2003 to the present have been recorded in a Past Perfect computer program designed specifically for museums. Stephen Belcher is now transferring to the Past Perfect format our hand-written records from 2003 back to our founding in 1960. The location and description of objects and documents in our collections will all be available to researchers, and we will be able to answer e-mailed questions in greater detail.

2011 marks the 250th anniversary of the town charter, granted in 1761 by NH Royal Governor Benning Wentworth. We will look into celebrating the date with other Pittsford organizations. Please leave your ideas and phone number on our answering machine at 483-2040, or e-mail your suggestions to peggy.armitage @gmail.com.


The Society welcomes new members: David and Judith Petrie, Greg Sharrow, Bob Hooker, Charles and Micha McCuin, David Blittersdorf, and Margaret Boothby.
Membership in the Society extends over a calendar year. Your dues support the annual operating expenses of Eaton Hall. Please send your check, payable to Pittsford Historical Society to: Doris Hoare, PO Box 187, Pittsford, VT 05763. We thank you for your continued support.


Street/Apt. #____________________________________________________

Town, State and Zip______________________________________________

Please check amount enclosed:
Single $15_____ Family $20 _____ Contributing $25_____
Sponsor $50_____ Life Member $200 (per person) _____